Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Whistleblower

      Edward Snowden is many things.

      He is a libertarian saint, he is a human right's activist and hero.

      He is also a traitor, is wanted by the US government for epsionage, and may have committed some "light" treason.

      Catch the Arrested Development reference? Okay, good.

      For those of you who aren't familiar with what has been going on and have just been hearing the media (liberal and conservative) scream at the President for his evilness, here's what happened:
   Essentially the NSA (National Security Agency) has been collecting every. single. phone call and text message sent through Verizon's system. It is unclear whether the NSA actually listens into the phone calls or reads the texts messages but what is clear is that they see to/from whom and to/from where they are sent. Edward Snowden found out about it and told everybody and now has run off, and was hiding in China. But now he's going to Russia. But that's another story.

      Anyways, my question is, "Was what Edward Snowden did right?"

      Going off the premise that he was saving the U.S. citizens rights, sure! What he did was right! We have a right to know if the government is spying on us right?

      But the government is trying to catch him and convict him of treason! Only for saving our rights!

      Doesn't that just sound tyrannical?

      At at first glance it is.

      But then we look again.

      Something else Snowden did that most people seem to not know is not only expose U.S. spying on its own citizens, but also the governments and citizens of other countries.

      Now that is treason.

      He whistleblew on what the U.S. was doing overseas which is a big no-no and, frankly, brought a lot of embarrassment to the U.S. government.

      But spying on other countries is. what. countries do. China does it to us. We do it to them. I find it interesting that everybody made a big deal about the U.S. spying overseas. Everybody knows it goes on. Because it does. At least, that's what Hollywood tells us.

      So the government isn't trying to get Snowden for whistleblowing on domestic spying, but on foreign spying because that is where he is guilty of treason.

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